Mothers Pray Group

Mothers Prayers

Mothers Prayers was formed to help those mothers who wished to pray together for their children and grandchildren and to find the support they needed.

Mothers Prayers was started in England in November 1995 and has spread rapidly throughout the world with contacts in over 100 Countries and has the approval, support and blessing of Christian leaders of all denominations.

There are now thousands of groups around the world. Two grandmothers, Veronica and her sister- in- law Sandra, felt led by the Lord to start Mothers Prayers and to pray in a special way for their children

They felt that they should bring all the pain and the worries they had for their children to Him and to trust in His words ‘Ask and you will receive’. Through this promise, they understood that the Lord is just waiting to take away pain and to bless and heal them and their children when they come to Him in Faith.

During these years there have been many, many wonderful answers to prayers including children coming off drugs, children returning home after being absent for many years, improvements in children's health and relationships (in the family and at school). The mothers also have been blessed and have experienced a great peace.

In St Aldhelms Parish, Mothers Prayers meet after Mass on Monday mornings. We pray together for our children and grandchildren. We place the names of our children into a basket at the foot of the cross offering them into Jesus’ care. We have seen many answers to prayer. We have reading from the Bible and sing a couple of hymns. Someone may want to talk about a problem but nothing is discussed outside the meeting. We have about 20 members and an average of 6 turn up every week. We have gone on retreats with other Mothers Prayers groups.  Further details could be found on their website:

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