Spiritual Adoption of an Unborn Child

Spiritual Adoption of an Unborn Child

What is the Spiritual Adoption of an Unborn Child?
The Spiritual Adoption is a powerful prayer for those children who are in danger of death in the womb of their mothers. The adoption starts with the oath taken in the church usually on (or close to) Annunciation Day and lasts for nine months till Christmas. In this time you say one decade of the Rosary each day and a daily prayer for your adopted child. You can also decide to do some extra spiritual exercise or kind of additional resolution. For instance you can fast on certain days, offer Holy Communion for your child or get involved in charity and support families or children as a volunteer. But this is optional.
Do I know who my adopted baby is?
We do not know who our child is or where she or he might live. It may be your neighbour, it may be a person on the other side of the globe. Only God knows his or her name. (You can give your child a name of your choice, a sweetname, though, so that you feel closer.)
Who can adopt a child?
Everyone can adopt a child - men and women of every walk of life, even children - providing they are mature enough to keep praying for 9 months.
What is the oath of the Spiritual Adoption?
Here is the full text of the oath:
“I glorify You, Father Almighty, 
Lord of heaven and earth, 
for You have hidden things from the mighty and clever, 
but have revealed them to the merest children.
Yes, Father, this was Your gracious will. Most Holy Virgin Mary, 
Mother of God, 
and all you Angels and Saints,
led by a desire to help children in the womb
who are in danger I________________________
undertake by oath on this day,
to spiritually adopt one child,
a child whose name is known only to God.
I promise to pray for this child every day for nine months,
to intercede in his or her behalf
that his or her life may be spared 
and to obtain for him or her God’s grace to live a just and holy life. 
Everyday of these nine months I will say:
• One decade of the Rosary for this child 
• The special daily prayer 
• My own personal undertaking
I praise You, Father,
and I glorify the Holy Trinity, 
and I thank you for having heard my prayer.
What is the daily prayer for an unborn child?
Here is the text of the daily prayer:
My Lord Jesus Christ,
through the intercession of Your Blessed Mother Mary,
who gave birth to you out of love,
and through the intercession of St. Joseph,
the man of faith
who cared for You after Your birth,
I turn to You
on behalf of this conceived child 
who has been spiritually adopted by me
and whose live is endangered.
Please give to his or her parents 
the love and courage 
to allow their child to remain in the womb and have life, 
the life that You have given him or her. 
What happens if I adopt a child but then forget to say the rosary?
If it is just a couple of days you miss you can extend your prayer for over nine months to make it up. If it is a longer period (i.e. a month) you can always start again next year.
How has this movement started?
Spiritual Adoption was born after a revelation in Fatima, as an answer to the call of the Mother of God to pray the rosary as penitence and in reparation of the sin, that has most wounded Her Immaculate Heart. In 1987 this prayer was introduced in Poland. The first centre of spiritual adoption was the church of the Paulines fathers in Warsaw. From this place the prayer was spread not only all over the country but outside its borders as well.
Where can I get more info about the Spiritual Adoption?
You can visit the website of Spiritual Adoption Centrum:
If you would like to volunteer and save a life or you just need more
information and would prefer personal contact please call Dora Smereczynska on 07448573976 or e-mail: dorota.smer@gmail.com

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